Join our team: AFSA National Committee We are seeking nominations ...
AFSA and our partners recently negotiated a streamlined application process ...
THERE's a lot in Philip Ackerman-Leist's book, Rebuilding the Foodshed, but don't expect to come away from reading it with a formula to go and create a viable local food system.
New research published by the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance shows ...
While focused specifically on the United States, this report released ...
In an important and timely new report released March 2011, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter, has laid out a blue-print for how 9 billion people can be fed in accordance with the principles of both environmental sustainability, and social justice for the poorest people on earth.
This paper by Nick Rose explains what food sovereignty is and why it is relevant to Australia. There is a crucial distinction between Food Security and Food Sovereignty. Food Security is concerned with ensuring adequate access to food for all, but it...