For all AFSA members, in preparation for our AGM on 18th November, 2014:
[bullet_list icon=”check” indent=”10px” style=””]- our current model rules can be downloaded here: AFSA Model Rules
- the statutory statement to members can be viewed here: AGM Statement to Members 18.11.14
- the President’s Report can be viewed here: President’s Report
- our financial statement for 2013/14 can be viewed here (see images below)
- A proxy form for voting at the AGM can be downloaded here: AUSTRALIAN FOOD SOVEREIGNTY ALLIANCE AGM PROXY FORM — if you want a doc version of this form, please email — all proxy forms must be returned to us (same email) by no later than 5 pm, Monday 17th November (see list of candidates for voting below).
Who to vote for on your proxy form…
Here is a list of members being nominated for positions on the next committee:
[bullet_list icon=”check” indent=”10px” style=””]- Michael Croft (in person)
- Bernie Hetherington (via Skype)
- Tammi Jonas (in person)
- Michele Lally (via Skype)
- Dr Matt Mitchell (via Skype)
- Joel Orchard (in person)
- Clare Richards (in person)
- Annie Richmond (via Skype)
- Nick Rose (in person)
- Julie Shelton (in person)
One member can hold a maximum of 5 proxy votes.
The main business of the AGM that will require a vote concerns the nominations to fill the places on the Committee.
If you want to express your view on who you think should be on our new Committee, please state which member or members (up to a maximum of 7) you wish to be on the Committee, and nominate the member from the list above to hold your proxy, and your vote will be cast accordingly.